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Changing SNILS when replacing a passport at 20, 45 years old SNILS or “green card” -
The answer to this question is not so simple. The time to get married and have children is not always
Home/Hiring/Pensioner Modern realities force citizens to continue working after retirement.
Today's world is so unpredictable that many citizens of our country are seriously concerned that it may
How is the pension payment fund formed? Pensions have been paid to Russian citizens before, but the payment fund
Who is entitled to benefits? Not all disabled Muscovites who go to work can count on additional support.
The deputy explained the dangers of refusing the funded part of a pension. Proposal to abolish the funded part
Article on the topic Old age crisis. How to cope with the stress of retirement “I
Now any clinic providing emergency care or long-term treatment, as well as local doctors who come