NachFin pension calculator for military personnel in 2020

Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Pension


Published: 01/06/2018

Reading time: 8 min



The calculation of pensions for military personnel differs from the calculation of pensions for ordinary workers. But thanks to the calculator below, you can calculate your retirement benefits without any hassle.

  • Instructions for using the calculator
  • The legislative framework
  • Military personnel Commentary from management on increasing length of service to 25 years

The calculator takes into account the following changes.

  • From October 1, 2020, the amount of official salaries and salaries for special ranks has been increased by 1,043 times (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2020 N 820).
  • From October 1, 2020, the reduction factor is 73.68 percent of the employee’s salary.

General provisions

The amount of compensation for pensioners of law enforcement agencies is largely determined by the reason for resigning. A soldier can retire:

  • according to length of service - after serving a minimum number of years in the department (20), a military man can retire;
  • for disability - if a military man receives an injury or illness and, as a result, he is assigned a disability group, the citizen will be assigned a corresponding lifetime payment;
  • for the loss of a breadwinner - if a serviceman dies or acquires a disease that causes death, family members of the deceased are assigned a payment through the department where the deceased served.

The conditions for appointment, of course, are different for each group. However, the general procedure that determines the calculation of a military pension is the same: a percentage of the amount of monetary allowance that the military man received while serving.

Military personnel

Calculation of pensions for military personnel is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • Article 12 of Federal Law No. 76 of May 25, 1998 on the establishment of monetary allowances;
  • Government Decree No. 992 of 12/05/11 on the establishment of salaries for military personnel serving under contract;
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 2700 on the procedure for providing monetary allowances;
  • Government Decree No. 396 of May 23, 2000 on the qualifications of state aviation pilots;
  • Government Decree No. 1237** dated December 30, 2011 on the approval of bonus coefficients for employees who served in the Far North and in areas equivalent to it.

** The coefficient size can vary from 1.1 to 2.0. It depends on the place of service.

How is salary determined?

The salary of the military can be considered a kind of analogue of the salary of a civilian working under an employment agreement (contract). The main difference is that not only the amount of DD by position (rank), but also percentage bonuses for length of service, as well as monthly bonuses are taken into account. But the special conditions for which the military’s “salary” is increased are not taken into account.

Thus, the monetary allowance includes:

  • official salary;
  • salary according to rank;
  • long service bonus.

Specific figures for pension benefits are determined by the nature of the payment. That is, the amount will largely depend on the reason for which the pension was assigned.

Calculation of military pensions in 2020

To calculate on the calculator, salaries by military position (MVD) and salaries by military rank (OVZ) are given in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 6, 2020 “On the procedure for providing monetary allowances to military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

Important! The appointment of new salaries came into force on October 1, 2020, and the new procedure for providing monetary allowances has been in effect since January 27, 2020 - 10 days after January 16, 2020 - the date of its official publication.

From October 1, 2020, the reduction factor has increased. Its value increased from 0.7223 to 0.7368, which means that to calculate the size of the pension it is necessary to take into account 73.68% of the amount of the military pension.

Reference! The increase in pensions in 2020 was carried out as a result of an increase in the DD of military personnel by 4.3% and additional indexation of payments by another 2%.

Military pensions based on length of service

The vast majority of military personnel retire due to their length of service. The size of a military pension is quite simple to calculate. The duration of military service is taken as the basis for calculations. It can be of 2 types:

  • 20+ years of service + little or no “civilian” experience;
  • 12.5+ years of service with 25+ years of civilian experience.

In the first case, the amount assigned for lifelong payment to a military pensioner will be 50% of the DD amount. But each year of service above the minimum value will add 3% DD.

If the duration of military service is only 12.5 years, but the military man has a total length of service of 25 years, then for each year in excess of the minimum length of service an additional 1% of the DD amount will be accrued.

The legislation introduced a special limitation on the minimum size of a military pension based on length of service. The pension cannot be lower than 100% of the social pension.

From October 2020, the procedure for receiving pensions will change

If you receive your pension not through Russian Post, but on a bank card, then it will be useful to consider the following information.

Let us remind you that from October this year, pensions and other social benefits will be transferred only to cards of the National Payment System MIR, as well as accounts or deposits.

In order for your pension to arrive on your card from October, as before, you need to apply for a MIR card at the bank and provide new details to your pension service department.

Military disability pensions

In the case of disability, the determining factors are not only the assigned groups (I, II or III), but the reason for assigning disability, as well as the existence of a relationship between the cause of disability and the performance of official duties. The basic calculation here can be represented as follows:

  • Disability groups I, II due to injury during performance – 85% DD;
  • III disability group due to injury during performance – 50% DD;
  • Disability groups I, II due to illness not during performance – 75% DD;
  • III group of disability due to illness not during performance – 40% DD.

In this case, the department should not take into account how many years the military man served. Even if the disability arose as a result of an injury or illness that occurred on the 1st day of military service, this will not be a factor excluding the assignment of this payment. The closest analogy is a disability insurance pension, which is awarded even if a citizen simply goes back to work.

As in the case of length of service, the law determines the minimum amount of a military disability pension. It cannot be lower than 150-300% of the social pension. The specific value depends on the cause and group of disability.

Instructions for using the calculator

  1. Select the salary by position or enter the salary amount manually; to do this, select “Indicate the salary yourself” from the drop-down list.
  2. Select the percentage of increase in EFA for class qualifications (relevant only for flight personnel).
  3. Select a salary for a special rank, or specify it manually by selecting “Specify salary yourself.”
  4. Select the long service bonus and regional coefficient.
  5. In the “Work experience” item, select the percentage of payments (depending on length of service).
  6. Select a reduction factor.
  7. In the item “Pension in rubles to be issued” the due amount of pension payments will be displayed.

Military survivor pensions

If a citizen performing military service dies, then his family members will be given a corresponding payment. The amount of accrual depends directly on the reason for the death of the serviceman:

  • death due to injury or illness that occurred during the performance of official duties - 50% of the DD for each disabled family member;
  • death due to injury, illness that did not occur during the performance of official duties and not due to military service - 40% of the DD for each disabled family member.

The minimum size of military survivors' pensions is also determined by law. Depending on the circumstances, it amounts to 150-200% of the basic social pension in Russia.

Ways to increase the size of a military pension

Military personnel aspiring to a decent financial future must take care of increasing their pensions not only through savings. This is possible if you focus your attention on the results of combat and physical training, and take part in combat operations more often.

In more detail, we are talking about:

  • About fulfilling the standards, thanks to which you can earn a class category. The highest class - master - gives an increase in bonus by 30%, III class - only 5%.
  • About passing two tests on the level of physical fitness. If the result is excellent, then you can claim 70% of the base salary.
  • On temporary performance of duties for a higher vacant position. Registration by order for a higher position, even if the proper rank is missing, will increase the level of pension.

When will a military pensioner receive a pension after submitting documents?

If the submitted package of documents meets the requirements of the law, the pension issue will be resolved within 10 days. If some documents are missing, the military registration and enlistment office or Pension Fund will consider the application only after the future pensioner submits the missing papers.

You can apply for a pension:

  • For the military man himself - from the date of retirement or dismissal;
  • For a disabled person - from the date of receipt of the ITU conclusion when registering a disability;
  • For dependents - from the date of death of the breadwinner. If a source of income is lost, the spouse or parents of a deceased pensioner can also count on a survivor's pension. They can apply for it at any time, and it will be credited from the date of application.

Where to apply for benefits

Civilians submit documents to the Pension Fund for the assignment and calculation of pensions. Former military personnel who have lost their ability to work due to health should also apply there for a disability pension.

Military personnel who have served the required number of years apply to the military commissariat, namely, to the pension department of the district military commissar.

Every time a pensioner changes his region of residence, he is required to register with the military commissariat at the new place of residence.

To do this you need to provide:

  • Passport with registration or registration document at the place of stay;
  • Serviceman's personal file;
  • Military ID.

Only military personnel registered with the military registration and enlistment office can apply for pension benefits.

The reduction factor remained in place. The indicator was frozen at 73.68%.

Pensioners hoped that by 2024 the reduction factor would be increased to 100%. This can also be indirectly indicated by the fact that in the coming years the amount of funds for payments to the military will also increase significantly. The authorities have not released official information regarding this issue, so pensioners are asked to wait for comments from members of the government.

The Ministry of Finance believed that after carrying out the basic indexation program, citizens who previously belonged to the structure of the country's Ministry of Defense will be able to count on an average benefit of about 26,968 rubles per month. A more significant average value after the October wave of increases can be expected for former FSB employees. Their pension can reach about 30.9 thousand rubles.

What is a mixed pension

As a general rule, in order to receive a military pension, a citizen must serve in the army or other security forces equivalent to them for at least 20 years. This is the so-called length of service. Its calculation has a number of features, which will be discussed below.

However, if a citizen does not have such length of service, that is, his period of service is less than 20 years and at the same time he worked in civilian positions, then he cannot count on full military pension coverage. He is assigned a mixed pension, taking into account both military service and civilian experience.

The grounds for its calculation are specifically stated in the law and are:

  1. Total work experience – at least 25 years.
  2. The period of service in the military is at least 12 years and 6 months.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the circumstances on the basis of which the serviceman was transferred to the reserve. They may be as follows:

  • health status;
  • reduction and reorganization of military units (other structures);
  • reaching a certain age threshold (for example, for contract servicemen from the rank and file and non-commissioned officers, the age limit for serving in the army is 35 years).

Civil pension for military pensioners

The assignment of payments for length of service for most former military personnel occurs during the period when they are fully capable of working. Therefore, many of them, upon completion of service in the military or other structures equivalent to them, find employment in civilian life or engage in business, registering as individual entrepreneurs.

Accordingly, former military personnel are subject to the provisions of Federal Law No. 200 “On Insurance Pensions” and they are required to register with the pension insurance system. However, the civil pension for military pensioners is calculated in a different manner from other categories of citizens.

Amount and types of bonuses for length of service

There are two types of allowances that take into account the amount of experience:

  1. Number of years of service;
  2. Percentage of length of service.

The first indicator is a fixed amount, calculated based on how much military experience the citizen has. The more years reflected in the labor record, the greater the amount will be:

  • 4800 rub. everyone who served 2-5 will receive;
  • 7200 rub. will be accrued when the service life is 5-10;
  • 9600 rub. – for those who have 10-15 years of service;
  • 12000 rub. those who have served 15-20 will receive;
  • 14400 rub. awarded to those who have 20-25 years of experience;
  • 19200 rub. – for those with more than 25 years of service.

The second type of allowance also depends on the length of service recorded in the work book. But unlike the first indicator, the percentage is taken here:

  • at 20 the pension will be 50 %;
  • at 25 – 65 %;
  • at 30 – 80 %.

The percentage increase begins to apply only after working for more than 240 months.

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